شبکه اجتماعی پارسی زبانانپارسی یار


*UPDATE 1-Iran's rial currency dives to historic low*
* Drop comes after new system meant to stabilise the rial
* Central bank says no reason for rise in exchange rate
(Adds central bank governor and MP comments, updates rate)
DUBAI, Sept 29 (Reuters) - The Iranian rial slumped on Saturday to a historic low against the U.S. dollar, according to Iranian media and currency tracking websites.
The rial fell by 5 percent and was trading at about 28,400 per dollar, compared with about 26,920 on Thursday and about 26,400 on Wednesday, according to Persian-language currency tracking website Mazanex.
There was no clear reason for the latest slide in the value of the rial, which is traded in an informal market of money changers, where ordinary Iranians go to access hard currencies.
Previous falls have coincided with new sanctions or diplomatic isolation of Iran over its contested nuclear programme, suspected by the U.S. and its allies of being aimed at obtaining a nuclear weapon. Iran denies this, but has faced successive rounds of stricter sanctions in the last two years.
Iranians rush to money changers to convert their savings into dollars, depressing the value of the rial. The rial has seen a steep loss in value against the dollar in the last year. In June 2011, it was trading at about 12,000 to the dollar, or more than twice its value now, according to Mesghal.
Earlier this week the Iranian government established a new three-tiered currency system meant to restore stability to the rial.
The system, along with a new "exchange centre," allows importers of priority goods like meat and grains to buy dollars at the official "reference" rate of 12,260 rials to the dollar.
Importers of other basic goods are allowed to buy dollars at a "non-reference" rate 2 percent less than the open market value of the rial on any given day. On Thursday, that rate was 23,927 rials to the dollar, Iran's central bank said.
But the exchange centre does not appear to have allayed market concerns about the central bank's ability to defend the value of the rial.
Iran's central bank governor Mahmoud Bahmani said on Saturday the open market was "resisting" the exchange centre. "The market is somewhat resisting, but certainly this resistance will be broken soon, because we have entered this centre with a strong currency backing," Bahmani said, according to the Fars news agency.
و ... بازم هست! فيلترم هست! :))
ماشاالله سعيد! ميبينم که انگليسيت هم خوب شده!!! هاواريو!!!
راشد؟! نميشه اينقد شلوغ نکني و ساکت بياي و بري؟! :-؟
نه! نميشه
سعيتو بکن! اينجوري خعلي ضايع بازيه! :))
يه چيز بگم؟!
بوگو! / متن خبره ديگه! ... از مترجم گوگل ميتونيد برا ترجمه استفاده کنيد! :)
سلام اقا سعيد..خوبيد؟؟
سلام فاطمه خانم ... ممنون ... شما خوبيد؟ ... ميخواستم بيام وبتون! يادم رف! :))
*زماني که اونا توي جنگل داشتن همديگر را ميخوردن؛ ما اصفهون را به اين قشنگي ساختيم!!!! حالا اومده براي من ريال را تحقير ميکنه؟!(بقول معروف اين نيز بگذرد)*
ايششششششش وب مانمياييدکه.........دي//نه بابامن بي سوادم اقاسعيدنمي تونم معني کنم بي خيال:)
زماني که اونا توي جنگل داشتن همديگر را ميخوردن؛ ما اصفهون را به اين قشنگي ساختيم!!!! حالا اومده براي من ريال را تحقير ميکنه؟!(بقول معروف اين نيز بگذرد) - .:راشد خدايي:. ... *ما نساختيما!!! اجدادمون ساختن! ما بي عرضه بازي در آورديم ک اينا دم درآوردن! :)*
http://translate.google.com/#auto/fa/ مگه ب روزرساني داشتين شما؟؟؟!!! :)
بي عرضه؟! اون پدر... ها بازي درآوردن!!!! وگرنه من الان خودم يه پا شيخ بهايي هستم!
اخه مشکل اينه ک تو 1 پاي شيخ بهايي هستي! اگه کامل بودي شايد 1 کاري از دستت بر مي اومد! :))))))))))))))))))))))
مرسي اقاسعيد.تشريف بياريد وب بنده..خوشحال ميشم...
فهرست کاربرانی که پیام های آن ها توسط دبیران مجله پارسی یار در ماه اخیر منتخب شده است.
برگزیدگان مجله اسفند ماه